Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning."

Poverty is a problem that affects every country in the world. We need to provide the 'generation of the future' with a future. The problem with wide-spread poverty is limited access to food, clean water, vaccines, and education. In order to solve this, there are many possibilities. Child sponsorship is the most direct way to provide aid, short of traveling to a country, that is. Other solutions include getting involved and volunteering for groups that provide sustainable resources to countries in need. Willow Creek's 'Celebration of Hope' is one of these programs that is providing over 1 million seed packs to villages who need food and jobs.

THE BIGGEST THING THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN IS A GLOBAL PARADIGM SHIFT. We need to realize that we're not the only ones on this planet and that we have the capacity to help other people. This needs to start with the youth of the world. Raising them in an environment that promotes giving to those in need will only burgeon their desire to help in the future and use that to help other people get involved in giving support to those in need. We can change the world; LET'S DO IT!!


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    thanks for sharing the "There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." its really help ful for the life.

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